I am very lucky to get to travel to so many places. I blame my father for giving me the travel bug; he too has a consistent itch to see the world. And of course My sister, Tessa Rose does too. She is the one that showed me how to combine my love for art with traveling. We call it "Travel Art"! We took our first trip together to Puerto Rico in 2016. After that, we couldn't stop creating, as individual artists and as collaborators.

I find that a lot of the time, a simple photo isn't enough. I use my abilities to try to capture just a little bit more of each place I go to. Below you will find works in Havasupai, Disney World, Jackson Hole, and New Orleans, among others. Scroll even further and you'll find a page for each of my most recent trips: Japan, Prince Edward Island, and Sedona. 

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grace leigh photography


grace leigh travel art

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"I am merely a guest born into this world to know the secrets that lie beyond it."

- Gialal al-Din Rumi